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Monday, November 30, 2009

Day 4

Welcome to Acapulco! Spent the day with Hector on a private tour and saw all the beautiful sights that Acapulco has to offer. Unfortunately, we didn’t get to go to the Central Mercado, as Karin had hoped. We did get to see the famous cliff divers and tour the Flamingo Hotel, which was owned by John Wayne and Tarzan. There is a dramatic difference in income levels in the city. From multi-million dollar gated estates to shacks made out of cardboard. Our guide said that wages for a manual laborer (such as road work or construction) range from $5-10/day, and that the unemployment rate is currently 40%. Makes us appreciate how lucky most of us are.

It was HOT, HOT, HOT in Acapulco today and very humid so we’re exhausted tonight! Because of that, pictures will have to replace most of our words...


  1. A picture is worth a thousand words. Keep 'em coming.

    Dad B.

  2. Great pictures.

    Mom Carolyn

  3. Sounds like fun, wish we were there. It's suppose to get cold up here.I'm recovering slowly, day by day. I'm getting up and down with more ease. Have a wonderful trip and we'll talk again soon. Love, Barb and dad.
